Sunday, July 17, 2011

Welcome to The Busy Guy

Hey everyone, I'm Joe, the Busy Guy.

I've tried writing blogs before, and even trying to make a little money off of them.  I'm definitely not a newbie to blogging.  However, I did find that it was very difficult to find the time to post frequently enough to really be a big time blogger, and become extremely successful with it.

I've decided to take a different approach to it this time.

Basically, I'll just be putting down here whatever I'm thinking about at the time.  If I feel strongly enough about something to write about it, I'll post it here.  If I've found something cool that I want to share, I'll post it here.  Or if I just want to write about what's going on in my life, then I'll post it here.... anything I want!

This is not to say that I don't want this to be a highly read blog or to make money off of it (because honestly, if you can make money off of it, why not, right?).  I might give Adsense another shot, or linking through Amazon or something, but don't be offended by it please.  I'm just as happy if you choose to just read this.  I'm glad that you're here.  If you leave a comment, I'll probably respond to it, and follow you over to your blog or website as well, because I'm just a nice guy like that :-).

Now, about me:

What makes you the Busy Guy?

This is probably a question that I should answer, given the title of my blog.  Well, I'm calling myself The Busy Guy because essentially, I'm really busy.  I currently work two jobs.  During the daytime and during the week, I am a computer programmer for one of the largest medical software companies in America.  At night and on the weekends, I'm a manager at a movie theatre for one of the largest theatre chains in America.  Between the two of them, they manage to keep me pretty busy.  What little time I have left is usually split between hanging out with my friends/girlfriend, playing around with new technology, movies, tv, and sports.... and now this blog.

I'm really a pretty big shopping fiend also, so I might post here to try to get your ideas on the best deal, or what you might think of something I'm considering getting.

In any case, just a quick welcome to my new blog.  I hope you enjoyed!  Here's a funny picture to end things:
This is pretty much me after work every day. And probably as I'm writing blog entries.
Today's "busy" scale (on a 1-10 scale with 1 being "meh" and 10 being I want to die busy): 3

If you enjoyed this post, you can find me on twitter @joen05, or leave a comment.